We Met on Icq

You sent me you picture on Icq

You look lovely "I said,"

Divorced, Single, Separated, Together still.

On here, what does it matter,

We are all the same.

You type well, the words are divine

We want each other to be our friends,

And if we draw close, there is no shame.

We come in all shapes and sizes,

Small, Medium and Large,

Whose to know how we will end up.

Just to talk, there is no charge.

When I am down, I want you to care.

Lend me your ear,

And do not be afraid to share.

I close with 

"Love You," "Take Care,"

"Always a nice chat,"

"Till next time, Big Hug."

When I am in this Putter Chair.


Don Evans




Music Playing " Wonderful Tonight."