When I went to sleep last night, You knocked upon my dream. A smile that lit a million suns, Created love supreme |
My Fairy Tale Princess, Your eyes the stars caress. I love you more each day, If only you could stay. |
I'll build you a castle in the sand, Or a palace in the snow. Everything's possible in my dream, If only you wouldn't go. |
My Fairy Tale Princess, Your eyes the stars caress. I love you more each day, If only you could stay.
Wish I could sleep forever, And keep you by my side. We could watch the sky weep with joy, Or a rainbow we could ride. |
My Fairy Tale Princess, Your eyes the stars caress. I love you more each day, If only you could stay.
When light breaks the night, Creating a brand new dawn. I'll shed a little tear or two. Until we meet again. |
My Fairy Tale Princess, Your eyes the stars caress. I love you more each day, If only you could stay.
by G R Lomas |